Source code for adles.vsphere.folder_utils

import logging

from pyVmomi import vim

from adles.utils import split_path
from adles.vsphere.vsphere_utils import is_folder, is_vm

[docs]def create_folder(folder, folder_name): """ Creates a VM folder in the specified folder. :param folder: Folder to create the folder in :type folder: vim.Folder :param str folder_name: Name of folder to create :return: The created folder :rtype: vim.Folder or None """ # Check if the folder already exists exists = find_in_folder(folder, folder_name) if exists: logging.warning("Folder '%s' already exists in folder '%s'", folder_name, return exists # Return the folder that already existed else: logging.debug("Creating folder '%s' in folder '%s'", folder_name, try: # Create the folder and return it return folder.CreateFolder(folder_name) except vim.fault.DuplicateName as dupe: logging.error("Could not create folder '%s' in '%s': " "folder already exists as '%s'", folder_name,, except vim.fault.InvalidName as invalid: logging.error("Could not create folder '%s' in '%s': " "Invalid folder name '%s'", folder_name,, return None
[docs]def cleanup(folder, vm_prefix='', folder_prefix='', recursive=False, destroy_folders=False, destroy_self=False): """ Cleans a folder by selectively destroying any VMs and folders it contains. :param folder: Folder to cleanup :type folder: vim.Folder :param str vm_prefix: Only destroy VMs with names starting with the prefix :param str folder_prefix: Only destroy or search in folders with names starting with the prefix :param bool recursive: Recursively descend into any sub-folders :param bool destroy_folders: Destroy folders in addition to VMs :param bool destroy_self: Destroy the folder specified """ logging.debug("Cleaning folder '%s'", from adles.vsphere.vm import VM # TODO: progress bar # pbar = tqdm.tqdm(folder.childEntity, desc="Cleaning folder", # unit="Items", clear=True) for item in folder.childEntity: # Handle VMs if is_vm(item) and str( VM(vm=item).destroy() # Delete the VM from the Datastore # Handle folders elif is_folder(item) and str( if destroy_folders: # Destroys folder and ALL of it's sub-objects cleanup(item, destroy_folders=True, destroy_self=True) elif recursive: # Simply recurses to find more items cleanup(item, vm_prefix=vm_prefix, folder_prefix=folder_prefix, recursive=True) # Note: UnregisterAndDestroy does NOT delete VM files off the datastore # Only use if folder is already empty! if destroy_self: logging.debug("Destroying folder: '%s'", folder.UnregisterAndDestroy_Task().wait()
[docs]def get_in_folder(folder, name, recursive=False, vimtype=None): """ Retrieves an item from a datacenter folder. :param folder: Folder to search in :type folder: vim.Folder :param str name: Name of object to find :param bool recursive: Recurse into sub-folders :param vimtype: Type of object to search for :return: The object found :rtype: vimtype or None """ item = None if name is not None: item = find_in_folder(folder, name, recursive=recursive, vimtype=vimtype) # Get first found of type if can't find in folder or name isn't specified if item is None: if len(folder.childEntity) > 0 and vimtype is None: return folder.childEntity[0] elif len(folder.childEntity) > 0: for i in folder.childEntity: if isinstance(i, vimtype): return i logging.error("Could not find item of type '%s' in folder '%s'", vimtype.__name__, else: logging.error("There are no items in folder %s", return item
[docs]def find_in_folder(folder, name, recursive=False, vimtype=None): """ Finds and returns an specific object in a folder. :param folder: Folder to search in :type folder: vim.Folder :param str name: Name of the object to find :param bool recursive: Recurse into sub-folders :param vimtype: Type of object to search for :return: The object found :rtype: vimtype or None """ # NOTE: Convert to lowercase for case-insensitive comparisons item_name = name.lower() found = None for item in folder.childEntity: # Check if the name matches if hasattr(item, 'name') and == item_name: if vimtype is not None and not isinstance(item, vimtype): continue found = item elif recursive and is_folder(item): # Recurse into sub-folders found = find_in_folder(item, name=item_name, recursive=recursive, vimtype=vimtype) if found is not None: return found return None
[docs]def traverse_path(folder, path, lookup_root=None, generate=False): """ Traverses a folder path to find a object with a specific name. :param folder: Folder to search in :type folder: vim.Folder :param str path: Path in POSIX format (Templates/Windows/ to get the 'Windows' folder) :param lookup_root: If root of path is not found in folder, lookup using this Vsphere object :type lookup_root: :class:`Vsphere` or None :param bool generate: Parts of the path that do not exist are created. :return: Object at the end of the path :rtype: vimtype or None """ logging.debug("Traversing path '%s' from folder '%s'", path, folder_path, name = split_path(path) # Check if root of the path is in the folder # This is to allow relative paths to be used if lookup_root is defined folder_items = [ for x in folder.childEntity if hasattr(x, 'name')] if len(folder_path) > 0 and folder_path[0] not in folder_items: if lookup_root is not None: logging.debug("Root %s not in folder %s, looking up...", folder_path[0], # Lookup the path root on server folder = lookup_root.get_folder(folder_path.pop(0)) else: logging.error("Could not find root '%s' " "of path '%s' in folder '%s'", folder_path[0], path, return None current = folder # Start with the defined folder for f in folder_path: # Try each folder name in the path found = None # Iterate through items in the current folder for item in current.childEntity: # If Folder is part of path if is_folder(item) and == f: found = item # This is the next folder in the path # Break to outer loop to check this folder # for the next part of the path break if generate and found is None: # Can't find the folder, so create it logging.warning("Generating folder %s in path", f) create_folder(folder, f) # Generate the folder elif found is not None: current = found # Since the split had a basename, look for an item with matching name if name != '': return find_in_folder(current, name) else: # No basename, so just return whatever was at the end of the path return current
[docs]def enumerate_folder(folder, recursive=True, power_status=False): """ Enumerates a folder structure and returns the result. as a python object with the same structure :param folder: Folder to enumerate :type folder: vim.Folder :param bool recursive: Whether to recurse into any sub-folders :param bool power_status: Display the power state of the VMs in the folder :return: The nested python object with the enumerated folder structure :rtype: list(list, str) """ children = [] for item in folder.childEntity: if is_folder(item): if recursive: # Recurse into sub-folders and append the sub-tree children.append(enumerate_folder(item, recursive)) else: # Don't recurse, just append the folder children.append('- ' + elif is_vm(item): if power_status: if item.runtime.powerState == \ vim.VirtualMachine.PowerState.poweredOn: children.append('* ON ' + elif item.runtime.powerState == \ vim.VirtualMachine.PowerState.poweredOff: children.append('* OFF ' + elif item.runtime.powerState == \ vim.VirtualMachine.PowerState.suspended: children.append('* SUS ' + else: logging.error("Invalid power state for VM: %s", else: children.append('* ' + else: children.append("UNKNOWN ITEM: %s" % str(item)) return '+ ' +, children # Return tuple of parent and children
# Similar to:
[docs]def format_structure(structure, indent=4, _depth=0): """ Converts a nested structure of folders into a formatted string. :param structure: structure to format :type structure: tuple(list(str), str) :param int indent: Number of spaces to indent each level of nesting :param int _depth: Current depth (USED INTERNALLY BY FUNCTION) :return: Formatted string of the folder structure :rtype: str """ fmat = "" newline = '\n' + str(_depth * str(indent * ' ')) if isinstance(structure, tuple): fmat += newline + str(structure[0]) fmat += format_structure(structure[1], indent, _depth + 1) elif isinstance(structure, list): for item in structure: fmat += format_structure(item, indent, _depth) elif isinstance(structure, str): fmat += newline + structure else: logging.error("Unexpected type in folder structure for item '%s': %s", str(structure), type(structure)) return fmat
[docs]def retrieve_items(folder, vm_prefix='', folder_prefix='', recursive=False): """ Retrieves VMs and folders from a folder structure. :param folder: Folder to begin search in (Note: it is NOT returned in list of folders) :type folder: vim.Folder :param str vm_prefix: VM prefix to search for :param str folder_prefix: Folder prefix to search for :param bool recursive: Recursively descend into sub-folders .. warning:: This will recurse regardless of folder prefix! :return: The VMs and folders found in the folder :rtype: tuple(list(vim.VirtualMachine), list(vim.Folder)) """ vms = [] folders = [] for item in folder.childEntity: # Iterate through all items in the folder if is_vm(item) and str( vms.append(item) # Add matching vm to the list elif is_folder(item): if str( folders.append(item) # Add matching folder to the list if recursive: # Recurse into sub-folders v, f = retrieve_items(item, vm_prefix, folder_prefix, recursive) vms.extend(v) folders.extend(f) return vms, folders
[docs]def move_into(folder, entity_list): """ Moves a list of managed entities into the named folder. :param folder: Folder to move entities into :type folder: vim.Folder :param entity_list: Entities to move into the folder :type entity_list: list(vim.ManagedEntity) """ logging.debug("Moving a list of %d entities into folder %s", len(entity_list), folder.MoveIntoFolder_Task(entity_list).wait()
[docs]def rename(folder, name): """ Renames a folder. :param folder: Folder to rename :type folder: vim.Folder :param str name: New name for the folder """ logging.debug("Renaming %s to %s",, name) folder.Rename_Task(newName=str(name)).wait()
# Injection of methods into vim.Folder pyVmomi class # # These enable "<folder>.create('name')" instead of # "folder_utils.create_folder(<folder>, 'name')" # # This works because the implicit first argument # to a class method call in Python is the instance # vim.Folder.create = create_folder vim.Folder.cleanup = cleanup vim.Folder.get = get_in_folder vim.Folder.find_in = find_in_folder vim.Folder.traverse_path = traverse_path vim.Folder.enumerate = enumerate_folder vim.Folder.retrieve_items = retrieve_items vim.Folder.move_into = move_into vim.Folder.rename = rename