Source code for adles.vsphere.vsphere_class

import logging

from pyVim.connect import Disconnect, SmartConnect, SmartConnectNoSSL
from pyVmomi import vim, vmodl

from adles.vsphere.vsphere_utils import VsphereException

# TODO: separate connection logic from init, put in a ".connect()" method
# TODO: context manager, enter connects, exit disconnects (instead of atexit)
[docs]class Vsphere(object): """ Maintains connection, logging, and constants for a vSphere instance """ def __init__(self, username=None, password=None, hostname=None, datacenter=None, datastore=None, port=443, use_ssl=False): """ Connects to a vCenter server and initializes a class instance. :param str username: Username of account to login with [default: prompt user] :param str password: Password of account to login with [default: prompt user] :param str hostname: DNS hostname or IP address of vCenter instance [default: prompt user] :param str datastore: Name of datastore to use [default: first datastore found on server] :param str datacenter: Name of datacenter to use [default: First datacenter found on server] :param int port: Port used to connect to vCenter instance :param bool use_ssl: If SSL should be used to connect :raises LookupError: if a datacenter or datastore cannot be found """ self._log = logging.getLogger('Vsphere') self._log.debug("Initializing Vsphere\nDatacenter: %s" "\tDatastore: %s\tSSL: %s", datacenter, datastore, use_ssl) if username is None: username = input("Enter username for vSphere: ") if password is None: from getpass import getpass password = getpass("Enter password for %s: " % username) if hostname is None: hostname = input("Enter hostname for vSphere: ") try:"Connecting to vSphere: %s@%s:%d", username, hostname, port) if use_ssl: # Connect to server using SSL certificate verification self._server = SmartConnect(host=hostname, user=username, pwd=password, port=port) else: self._server = SmartConnectNoSSL(host=hostname, user=username, pwd=password, port=port) except vim.fault.InvalidLogin: self._log.error("Invalid vSphere login credentials " "for user %s", username) raise VsphereException("Invalid login credentials") from None except TimeoutError: raise VsphereException("Timed out connecting to vSphere") from None # Ensure connection to server is closed on program exit from atexit import register register(Disconnect, self._server)"Connected to vSphere host %s:%d", hostname, port) self._log.debug("Current server time: %s", str(self._server.CurrentTime())) self.username = username self.hostname = hostname self.port = port self.content = self._server.RetrieveContent() self.auth = self.content.authorizationManager self.user_dir = self.content.userDirectory self.search_index = self.content.searchIndex self.datacenter = self.get_item(vim.Datacenter, name=datacenter) if not self.datacenter: raise LookupError("Could not find a Datacenter to initialize with!") self.datastore = self.get_datastore(datastore) if not self.datastore: raise LookupError("Could not find a Datastore to initialize with!") self._log.debug("Finished initializing vSphere") # From: in pyvmomi-community-samples
[docs] def create_folder(self, folder_name, create_in=None): """ Creates a VM folder in the specified folder. :param str folder_name: Name of folder to create :param create_in: Folder to create the new folder in [default: root folder of datacenter] :type create_in: str or vim.Folder :return: The created folder :rtype: vim.Folder """ if create_in: if isinstance(create_in, str): # Lookup create_in on the server self._log.debug("Retrieving parent folder '%s' from server", create_in) parent = self.get_folder(folder_name=create_in) else: parent = create_in # Already vim.Folder, so we just assign it else: parent = self.content.rootFolder # Default to server root folder return parent.create(folder_name)
[docs] def set_motd(self, message): """ Sets vCenter server Message of the Day (MOTD). :param str message: Message to set """"Setting vCenter MOTD to %s", message) self.content.sessionManager.UpdateServiceMessage(message=str(message))
[docs] def map_items(self, vimtypes, func, name=None, container=None, recursive=True): """ Apply a function to item(s) in a container. :param list vimtypes: List of vimtype objects to look for :param func: Function to apply :param str name: Name of item to apply to :param container: Container to search in [default: content.rootFolder] :param bool recursive: Whether to recursively descend :return: List of values returned from the function call(s) :rtype: list """ contain = (self.content.rootFolder if not container else container) con_view = self.content.viewManager.CreateContainerView( contain, vimtypes, recursive) returns = [] for item in con_view.view: if name: if hasattr(item, 'name') and == name.lower(): returns.append(func(item)) else: returns.append(func(item)) con_view.Destroy() return returns
[docs] def set_entity_permissions(self, entity, permission): """ Defines or updates rule(s) for the given user or group on the entity. :param entity: The entity on which to set permissions :type entity: vim.ManagedEntity :param permission: The permission to set :type permission: vim.AuthorizationManager.Permission """ try: self.auth.SetEntityPermissions(entity=entity, permission=permission) except vim.fault.UserNotFound as e: self._log.error("Could not find user '%s' to set permission " "'%s' on entity '%s'", e.principal, str(permission), except vim.fault.NotFound: self._log.error("Invalid role ID for permission '%s'", str(permission)) except vmodl.fault.ManagedObjectNotFound as e: self._log.error("Entity '%s' does not exist to set permission on", str(e.obj)) except vim.fault.NoPermission as e: self._log.error("Could not set permissions for entity '%s': " "the current session does not have privilege '%s' " "to set permissions for the entity '%s'",, e.privilegeId, e.object) except vmodl.fault.InvalidArgument as e: self._log.error("Invalid argument to set permission '%s' " "on entity '%s': %s",, str(permission), str(e)) except Exception as e: self._log.exception("Unknown error while setting permissions " "for entity '%s': %s",, str(e))
[docs] def get_entity_permissions(self, entity, inherited=True): """ Gets permissions defined on or effective on a managed entity. :param entity: The entity to get permissions for :type entity: vim.ManagedEntity :param bool inherited: Include propagating permissions defined in parent :return: The permissions for the entity :rtype: vim.AuthorizationManager.Permission or None """ try: return self.auth.RetrieveEntityPermissions(entity=entity, inherited=inherited) except vmodl.fault.ManagedObjectNotFound as e: self._log.error("Couldn't find entity '%s' to get permissions from", str(e.obj)) return None
[docs] def get_role_permissions(self, role_id): """ Gets all permissions that use a particular role. :param int role_id: ID of the role :return: The role permissions :rtype: vim.AuthorizationManager.Permission or None """ try: return self.auth.RetrieveRolePermissions(roleId=int(role_id)) except vim.fault.NotFound: self._log.error("Role ID %s does not exist", str(role_id)) return None
[docs] def get_users(self, search='', domain='', exact=False, belong_to_group=None, have_user=None, find_users=True, find_groups=False): """ Returns a list of the users and groups defined for the server .. note:: You must hold the Authorization.ModifyPermissions privilege to invoke this method. :param str search: Case insensitive substring used to filter results [default: all users] :param str domain: Domain to be searched [default: local machine] :param bool exact: Search should match user/group name exactly :param str belong_to_group: Only find users/groups that directly belong to this group :param str have_user: Only find groups that directly contain this user :param bool find_users: Include users in results :param bool find_groups: Include groups in results :return: The users and groups defined for the server :rtype: list(vim.UserSearchResult) or None """ # See for reference: pyvmomi/docs/vim/UserDirectory.rst kwargs = {"searchStr": search, "exactMatch": exact, "findUsers": find_users, "findGroups": find_groups} if domain != '': kwargs["domain"] = domain if belong_to_group is not None: kwargs["belongsToGroup"] = belong_to_group if have_user is not None: kwargs["belongsToUser"] = have_user try: return self.user_dir.RetrieveUserGroups(**kwargs) except vim.fault.NotFound: self._log.warning("Could not find domain, group or user " "in call to get_users" "\nkwargs: %s", str(kwargs)) return None except vmodl.fault.NotSupported: self._log.error("System doesn't support domains or " "by-membership queries for get_users") return None
[docs] def get_info(self): """ Retrieves and formats basic information about the vSphere instance. :return: formatted server information :rtype: str """ about = self.content.about info_string = "\n" info_string += "Host address: %s:%d\n" % (self.hostname, self.port) info_string += "Datacenter : %s\n" % info_string += "Datastore : %s\n" % info_string += "Full name : %s\n" % about.fullName info_string += "Vendor : %s\n" % about.vendor info_string += "Version : %s\n" % about.version info_string += "API type : %s\n" % about.apiType info_string += "API version : %s\n" % about.apiVersion info_string += "OS type : %s" % about.osType return info_string
[docs] def get_folder(self, folder_name=None): """ Finds and returns the named Folder. :param str folder_name: Name of folder [default: Datacenter vmFolder] :return: The folder found :rtype: vim.Folder """ if folder_name: # Try to find the named folder in the datacenter return self.get_obj(self.datacenter, [vim.Folder], folder_name) else: # Default to the VM folder in the datacenter # Reference: pyvmomi/docs/vim/Datacenter.rst self._log.warning("Could not find folder '%s' in Datacenter '%s', " "defaulting to vmFolder", folder_name, return self.datacenter.vmFolder
[docs] def get_vm(self, vm_name): """ Finds and returns the named VM. :param str vm_name: Name of the VM :return: The VM found :rtype: vim.VirtualMachine or None """ return self.get_item(vim.VirtualMachine, vm_name)
[docs] def get_network(self, network_name, distributed=False): """ Finds and returns the named Network. :param str network_name: Name or path of the Network :param bool distributed: If the Network is a Distributed PortGroup :return: The network found :rtype: vim.Network or vim.dvs.DistributedVirtualPortgroup or None """ if not distributed: return self.get_obj(container=self.datacenter.networkFolder, vimtypes=[vim.Network], name=str(network_name), recursive=True) else: return self.get_item(vim.dvs.DistributedVirtualPortgroup, network_name)
[docs] def get_host(self, host_name=None): """ Finds and returns the named Host System. :param str host_name: Name of the host [default: first host found in datacenter] :return: The host found :rtype: vim.HostSystem or None """ return self.get_item(vim.HostSystem, host_name)
[docs] def get_cluster(self, cluster_name=None): """ Finds and returns the named Cluster. :param str cluster_name: Name of the cluster [default: first cluster found in datacenter] :return: The cluster found :rtype: vim.ClusterComputeResource or None """ return self.get_item(cluster_name, vim.ClusterComputeResource)
[docs] def get_clusters(self): """ Get all the clusters associated with the vCenter server. :return: All clusters associated with the vCenter server :rtype: list(vim.ClusterComputeResource) """ return self.get_objs(self.content.rootFolder, [vim.ClusterComputeResource])
[docs] def get_datastore(self, datastore_name=None): """ Finds and returns the named Datastore. :param str datastore_name: Name of the datastore [default: first datastore in datacenter] :return: The datastore found :rtype: vim.Datastore or None """ return self.datacenter.datastoreFolder.get(datastore_name)
[docs] def get_pool(self, pool_name=None): """ Finds and returns the named vim.ResourcePool. :param str pool_name: Name of the resource pool [default: first pool found in datacenter] :return: The resource pool found :rtype: vim.ResourcePool or None """ return self.get_item(vim.ResourcePool, pool_name)
[docs] def get_all_vms(self): """ Finds and returns all VMs registered in the Datacenter. :return: All VMs in the Datacenter defined for the class :rtype: list(vim.VirtualMachine) """ return self.get_objs(self.datacenter.vmFolder, [vim.VirtualMachine])
[docs] def get_obj(self, container, vimtypes, name, recursive=True): """ Finds and returns named vim object of specified type. :param container: Container to search in :param list vimtypes: vimtype objects to look for :param str name: Name of the object :param bool recursive: Recursively search for the item :return: Object found with the specified name :rtype: vimtype or None """ con_view = self.content.viewManager.CreateContainerView(container, vimtypes, recursive) obj = None for item in con_view.view: if == name.lower(): obj = item break con_view.Destroy() return obj
# From:
[docs] def get_objs(self, container, vimtypes, recursive=True): """ Get all the vim objects associated with a given type. :param container: Container to search in :param list vimtypes: Objects to search for :param bool recursive: Recursively search for the item :return: All vimtype objects found :rtype: list(vimtype) or None """ objs = [] con_view = self.content.viewManager.CreateContainerView(container, vimtypes, recursive) for item in con_view.view: objs.append(item) con_view.Destroy() return objs
[docs] def get_item(self, vimtype, name=None, container=None, recursive=True): """ Get a item of specified name and type. Intended to be simple version of :meth: get_obj :param vimtype: Type of item :type vimtype: vimtype :param str name: Name of item :param container: Container to search in [default: vCenter server content root folder] :param bool recursive: Recursively search for the item :return: The item found :rtype: vimtype or None """ contain = (self.content.rootFolder if not container else container) if not name: return self.get_objs(contain, [vimtype], recursive)[0] else: return self.get_obj(contain, [vimtype], name, recursive)
[docs] def find_by_uuid(self, uuid, instance_uuid=True): """ Find a VM in the datacenter with the given Instance or BIOS UUID. :param str uuid: UUID to search for (Instance or BIOS for VMs) :param bool instance_uuid: If True, search by VM Instance UUID, otherwise search by BIOS UUID :return: The VM found :rtype: vim.VirtualMachine or None """ return self.search_index.FindByUuid(datacenter=self.datacenter, uuid=str(uuid), vmSearch=True, instanceUuid=instance_uuid)
[docs] def find_by_ds_path(self, path): """ Finds a VM by it's location on a Datastore. :param str path: Path to the VM's .vmx file on the Datastore :return: The VM found :rtype: vim.VirtualMachine or None """ try: return self.search_index.FindByDatastorePath( datacenter=self.datacenter, path=str(path)) except vim.fault.InvalidDatastore: self._log.error("Invalid datastore in path: %s", str(path)) return None
[docs] def find_by_ip(self, ip, vm_search=True): """ Find a VM or Host using a IP address. :param str ip: IP address string as returned by VMware Tools ipAddress :param vm_search: Search for VMs if True, Hosts if False :return: The VM or host found :rtype: vim.VirtualMachine or vim.HostSystem or None """ return self.search_index.FindByIp(datacenter=self.datacenter, ip=str(ip), vmSearch=vm_search)
[docs] def find_by_hostname(self, hostname, vm_search=True): """ Find a VM or Host using a Fully-Qualified Domain Name (FQDN). :param str hostname: FQDN of the VM to find :param vm_search: Search for VMs if True, Hosts if False :return: The VM or host found :rtype: vim.VirtualMachine or vim.HostSystem or None """ return self.search_index.FindByDnsName(datacenter=self.datacenter, dnsName=hostname, vmSearch=vm_search)
[docs] def find_by_inv_path(self, path, datacenter=None): """ Finds a vim.ManagedEntity (VM, host, folder, etc) in a inventory. :param str path: Path to the entity. This must include the hidden Vsphere folder for the type: vm | network | datastore | host Example: "vm/some-things/more-things/vm-name" :param str datacenter: Name of datacenter to search in [default: instance's datacenter] :return: The entity found :rtype: vim.ManagedEntity or None """ if datacenter is None: datacenter = full_path = datacenter + "/" + str(path) return self.search_index.FindByInventoryPath(inventoryPath=full_path)
def __repr__(self): return "vSphere(%s, %s, %s:%s)" % (,, self.hostname, self.port) def __str__(self): return str(self.get_info()) def __hash__(self): return hash((self.hostname, self.port, self.username)) def __eq__(self, other): return isinstance(other, self.__class__) \ and self.hostname == other.hostname \ and self.port == other.port \ and self.username == other.username def __ne__(self, other): return not self.__eq__(other)