
Wrappers for the various platforms ADLES supports.


The vSphere platform serves as a wrapper around the pyVmomi library.


Holds the state and provides methods to interact with the vCenter server or ESXi host.

class adles.vsphere.vsphere_class.Vsphere(username=None, password=None, hostname=None, datacenter=None, datastore=None, port=443, use_ssl=False)[source]

Maintains connection, logging, and constants for a vSphere instance

create_folder(folder_name, create_in=None)[source]

Creates a VM folder in the specified folder.

  • folder_name (str) – Name of folder to create
  • create_in – Folder to create the new folder in

[default: root folder of datacenter] :type create_in: str or vim.Folder :return: The created folder :rtype: vim.Folder


Finds a VM by it’s location on a Datastore.

Parameters:path (str) – Path to the VM’s .vmx file on the Datastore
Returns:The VM found
Return type:vim.VirtualMachine or None
find_by_hostname(hostname, vm_search=True)[source]

Find a VM or Host using a Fully-Qualified Domain Name (FQDN).

  • hostname (str) – FQDN of the VM to find
  • vm_search – Search for VMs if True, Hosts if False

The VM or host found

Return type:

vim.VirtualMachine or vim.HostSystem or None

find_by_inv_path(path, datacenter=None)[source]

Finds a vim.ManagedEntity (VM, host, folder, etc) in a inventory.

Parameters:path (str) – Path to the entity. This must include the hidden

Vsphere folder for the type: vm | network | datastore | host Example: “vm/some-things/more-things/vm-name” :param str datacenter: Name of datacenter to search in [default: instance’s datacenter] :return: The entity found :rtype: vim.ManagedEntity or None

find_by_ip(ip, vm_search=True)[source]

Find a VM or Host using a IP address.

  • ip (str) – IP address string as returned by VMware Tools ipAddress
  • vm_search – Search for VMs if True, Hosts if False

The VM or host found

Return type:

vim.VirtualMachine or vim.HostSystem or None

find_by_uuid(uuid, instance_uuid=True)[source]

Find a VM in the datacenter with the given Instance or BIOS UUID.

  • uuid (str) – UUID to search for (Instance or BIOS for VMs)
  • instance_uuid (bool) – If True, search by VM Instance UUID,

otherwise search by BIOS UUID :return: The VM found :rtype: vim.VirtualMachine or None


Finds and returns all VMs registered in the Datacenter.

Returns:All VMs in the Datacenter defined for the class
Return type:list(vim.VirtualMachine)

Finds and returns the named Cluster.

Parameters:cluster_name (str) – Name of the cluster

[default: first cluster found in datacenter] :return: The cluster found :rtype: vim.ClusterComputeResource or None


Get all the clusters associated with the vCenter server.

Returns:All clusters associated with the vCenter server
Return type:list(vim.ClusterComputeResource)

Finds and returns the named Datastore.

Parameters:datastore_name (str) – Name of the datastore

[default: first datastore in datacenter] :return: The datastore found :rtype: vim.Datastore or None

get_entity_permissions(entity, inherited=True)[source]

Gets permissions defined on or effective on a managed entity.

  • entity (vim.ManagedEntity) – The entity to get permissions for
  • inherited (bool) – Include propagating permissions

defined in parent :return: The permissions for the entity :rtype: vim.AuthorizationManager.Permission or None


Finds and returns the named Folder.

Parameters:folder_name (str) – Name of folder [default: Datacenter vmFolder]
Returns:The folder found
Return type:vim.Folder

Finds and returns the named Host System.

Parameters:host_name (str) – Name of the host

[default: first host found in datacenter] :return: The host found :rtype: vim.HostSystem or None


Retrieves and formats basic information about the vSphere instance.

Returns:formatted server information
Return type:str
get_item(vimtype, name=None, container=None, recursive=True)[source]

Get a item of specified name and type. Intended to be simple version of :meth: get_obj

  • vimtype (vimtype) – Type of item
  • name (str) – Name of item
  • container – Container to search in

[default: vCenter server content root folder] :param bool recursive: Recursively search for the item :return: The item found :rtype: vimtype or None

get_network(network_name, distributed=False)[source]

Finds and returns the named Network.

  • network_name (str) – Name or path of the Network
  • distributed (bool) – If the Network is a Distributed PortGroup

The network found

Return type:

vim.Network or vim.dvs.DistributedVirtualPortgroup or None

get_obj(container, vimtypes, name, recursive=True)[source]

Finds and returns named vim object of specified type.

  • container – Container to search in
  • vimtypes (list) – vimtype objects to look for
  • name (str) – Name of the object
  • recursive (bool) – Recursively search for the item

Object found with the specified name

Return type:

vimtype or None

get_objs(container, vimtypes, recursive=True)[source]

Get all the vim objects associated with a given type.

  • container – Container to search in
  • vimtypes (list) – Objects to search for
  • recursive (bool) – Recursively search for the item

All vimtype objects found

Return type:

list(vimtype) or None


Finds and returns the named vim.ResourcePool.

Parameters:pool_name (str) – Name of the resource pool

[default: first pool found in datacenter] :return: The resource pool found :rtype: vim.ResourcePool or None


Gets all permissions that use a particular role.

Parameters:role_id (int) – ID of the role
Returns:The role permissions
Return type:vim.AuthorizationManager.Permission or None
get_users(search='', domain='', exact=False, belong_to_group=None, have_user=None, find_users=True, find_groups=False)[source]

Returns a list of the users and groups defined for the server


You must hold the Authorization.ModifyPermissions

privilege to invoke this method.

Parameters:search (str) – Case insensitive substring used to filter results

[default: all users] :param str domain: Domain to be searched [default: local machine] :param bool exact: Search should match user/group name exactly :param str belong_to_group: Only find users/groups that directly belong to this group :param str have_user: Only find groups that directly contain this user :param bool find_users: Include users in results :param bool find_groups: Include groups in results :return: The users and groups defined for the server :rtype: list(vim.UserSearchResult) or None


Finds and returns the named VM.

Parameters:vm_name (str) – Name of the VM
Returns:The VM found
Return type:vim.VirtualMachine or None
map_items(vimtypes, func, name=None, container=None, recursive=True)[source]

Apply a function to item(s) in a container.

  • vimtypes (list) – List of vimtype objects to look for
  • func – Function to apply
  • name (str) – Name of item to apply to
  • container – Container to search in [default: content.rootFolder]
  • recursive (bool) – Whether to recursively descend

List of values returned from the function call(s)

Return type:


set_entity_permissions(entity, permission)[source]

Defines or updates rule(s) for the given user or group on the entity.

  • entity (vim.ManagedEntity) – The entity on which to set permissions
  • permission (vim.AuthorizationManager.Permission) – The permission to set

Sets vCenter server Message of the Day (MOTD).

Parameters:message (str) – Message to set


Represents a Virtual Machine.

class adles.vsphere.vm.VM(vm=None, name=None, folder=None, resource_pool=None, datastore=None, host=None)[source]

Represents a VMware vSphere Virtual Machine instance.


You must call create() if a vim.VirtualMachine object is not used to initialize the instance.

add_nic(network, summary='default-summary', model='e1000')[source]

Add a NIC in the portgroup to the VM. :param vim.Network network: Network to attach NIC to :param str summary: Human-readable device info [default: default-summary] :param str model: Model of virtual network adapter. Options: (e1000 | e1000e | vmxnet | vmxnet2 | vmxnet3 | pcnet32 | sriov) e1000 will work on Windows Server 2003+, and e1000e is supported on Windows Server 2012+. VMXNET adapters require VMware Tools to be installed, and provide enhanced performance. Read this for more details:

attach_iso(iso_path, datastore=None, boot=True)[source]

Attaches an ISO image to a VM. :param str iso_path: Path in the Datastore of the ISO image to attach :param vim.Datastore datastore: Datastore where the ISO resides [defaults to the VM’s datastore] :param bool boot: Set VM to boot from the attached ISO

change_hdd_mode(mode, disk_number=1, disk_prefix='Hard disk ')[source]

Change the mode on a virtual HDD. :param str mode: New disk mode :param int disk_number: Disk number :param str disk_prefix: Disk label prefix :return: If the disk mode change operation was successful :rtype: bool

change_state(state, attempt_guest=True)[source]

Generic power state change that uses guest OS operations if available. :param str state: State to change to (on | off | reset | suspend) :param bool attempt_guest: Attempt to use guest operations :return: If state change succeeded :rtype: bool


Converts a Virtual Machine to a Template.


Converts a Template to a Virtual Machine.

create(template=None, cpus=None, cores=None, memory=None, max_consoles=None, version=None, firmware='efi', datastore_path=None)[source]

Creates a Virtual Machine. :param vim.VirtualMachine template: Template VM to clone :param int cpus: Number of processors :param int cores: Number of processor cores :param int memory: Amount of RAM in MB :param int max_consoles: Maximum number of active console connections :param int version: Hardware version of the VM [default: highest host supports] :param str firmware: Firmware to emulate for the VM (efi | bios) :param str datastore_path: Path to existing VM files on datastore :return: If the creation was successful :rtype: bool

create_snapshot(name, description='', memory=False, quiesce=True)[source]

Creates a snapshot of the VM. :param str name: Name of the snapshot :param str description: Text description of the snapshot :param bool memory: Memory dump of the VM is included in the snapshot :param bool quiesce: Quiesce VM disks (Requires VMware Tools)


Destroys the VM.

edit_nic(nic_id, network=None, summary=None)[source]

Edits a vNIC based on it’s number. :param int nic_id: Number of network adapter on VM :param network: Network to assign the vNIC to :type network: vim.Network :param str summary: Human-readable device description :return: If the edit operation was successful :rtype: bool

edit_resources(cpus=None, cores=None, memory=None, max_consoles=None)[source]

Edits the resource limits for the VM. :param int cpus: Number of CPUs :param int cores: Number of CPU cores :param int memory: Amount of RAM in MB :param int max_consoles: Maximum number of simultaneous Mouse-Keyboard-Screen (MKS) console connections

execute_program(process_manager, program_path, username=None, password=None, program_args='')[source]

Executes a commandline program in the VM. This requires VMware Tools to be installed on the VM. :param vim.vm.guest.ProcessManager process_manager: vSphere process manager object :param str program_path: Path to the program inside the VM :param str username: User on VM to execute program using [default: current ADLES user] :param str password: Plaintext password for the User [default: prompt user] :param str program_args: Commandline arguments for the program :return: Program Process ID (PID) if it was executed successfully, -1 if not :rtype: int


Retrieves a list of all snapshots of the VM. :return: Nested List of vim.Snapshot objects :rtype: list(vim.Snapshot) or None


Enumerates the full snapshot tree of the VM and makes it human-readable. :return: The human-readable snapshot tree info :rtype: str


Gets the name of the VM’s folder on the datastore. :return: The name of the datastore folder with the VM’s files :rtype: str


Gets a Virtual HDD from the VM. :param name: Name of the virtual HDD :return: The HDD device :rtype: vim.vm.device.VirtualDisk or None

get_info(detailed=False, uuids=False, snapshot=False, vnics=False)[source]

Get human-readable information for a VM. :param bool detailed: Add detailed information, e.g maximum memory used :param bool uuids: Whether to get UUID information :param bool snapshot: Shows the current snapshot, if any :param bool vnics: Add information about vNICs on the VM :return: The VM’s information :rtype: str


Get a vNIC by integer ID. :param int nic_id: ID of the vNIC :return: The vNIC found :rtype: vim.vm.device.VirtualEthernetCard or None


Gets a Virtual Network Interface Card (vNIC) from a VM. :param str name: Name of the vNIC :return: The vNIC found :rtype: vim.vm.device.VirtualEthernetCard or None


Finds a vNIC by it’s network backing. :param vim.Network network: Network of the vNIC to match :return: Name of the vNIC :rtype: str or None


Returns a list of all Virtual Network Interface Cards (vNICs) on the VM. :return: All vNICs on the VM :rtype: list(vim.vm.device.VirtualEthernetCard) or list


Retrieves the named snapshot from the VM. :param str snapshot: Name of the snapshot [default: current snapshot] :return: The snapshot found :rtype: vim.Snapshot or None


Human-readable info on a snapshot. :param str name: Name of the snapshot to get [defaults to the current snapshot] :return: Info on the snapshot found :rtype: str


Get the vim.VirtualMachine instance of the VM. :return: The vim instance of the VM :rtype: vim.VirtualMachine


Checks if VMware Tools is installed and working. :return: If tools are installed and working :rtype: bool


Checks if VM is a template. :return: If the VM is a template :rtype: bool


Checks if a VM’s guest OS is Windows. :return: If guest OS is Windows :rtype: bool


Mount the installer for VMware Tools.


Determines if a VM is powered on. :return: If VM is powered on :rtype: bool

relocate(host=None, datastore=None)[source]

Relocates the VM to a new host and/or datastore :param vim.Host host: :param vim.Datastore datastore:


Removes all snapshots associated with the VM. :param bool consolidate_disks: Virtual disks of the deleted snapshot will be merged with other disks if possible


Removes a device from the VM. :param device_spec: The specification of the device to remove :type device_spec: vim.vm.device.VirtualDeviceSpec


Removes a numbered Virtual Hard Disk from the VM. :param int disk_number: Number of the HDD to remove :return: If the HDD was successfully removed :rtype: bool


Deletes a vNIC based on it’s number. :param int nic_number: Number of the vNIC to delete :return: If removal succeeded :rtype: bool

remove_snapshot(snapshot, remove_children=True, consolidate_disks=True)[source]

Removes the named snapshot from the VM. :param str snapshot: Name of the snapshot to remove :param bool remove_children: Removal of the entire snapshot subtree :param bool consolidate_disks: Virtual disks of deleted snapshot will be merged with other disks if possible


Renames the VM. :param str name: New name for the VM

resize_hdd(size, disk_number=1, disk_prefix='Hard disk ')[source]

Resize a virtual HDD on the VM. :param int size: New disk size in KB :param int disk_number: Disk number :param disk_prefix: Disk label prefix :return: If the resize was successful :rtype: bool


Reverts the VM to the most recent snapshot.


Reverts VM to the named snapshot. :param str snapshot: Name of the snapshot to revert to


Takes a screenshot of a VM. :return: Path to datastore location of the screenshot :rtype: str


Sets the note on the VM. :param str note: String to set the note to


Determines the total disk usage of a VM’s snapshots. :return: Human-readable disk usage of the snapshots :rtype: str


Upgrades the hardware version of the VM. :param int version: Version of hardware to upgrade VM to [defaults to the latest version the VM’s host supports]


Checks if the device is a VirtualEthernetCard. :param device: The device to check :return: If the device is a vNIC :rtype: bool


Represents an ESXi host.


Represents an ESXi host in a VMware vSphere environment.

create_portgroup(name, vswitch_name, vlan=0, promiscuous=False)[source]

Creates a portgroup.

  • name (str) – Name of portgroup to create
  • vswitch_name (str) – Name of vSwitch to create the port group on
  • vlan (int) – VLAN ID of the port group
  • promiscuous (bool) – Put portgroup in promiscuous mode
create_vswitch(name, num_ports=512)[source]

Creates a vSwitch.

  • name (str) – Name of the vSwitch to create
  • num_ports (int) – Number of ports the vSwitch should have
delete_network(name, network_type)[source]

Deletes the named network from the host.

  • name (str) – Name of the vSwitch to delete
  • network_type (str) – Type of the network to remove

(“vswitch” | “portgroup”)

enter_maintenance_mode(timeout=0, spec=None)[source]

Enter maintenance mode.

  • timeout (int) – Seconds to wait
  • spec (vim.HostMaintenanceSpec) – Actions to be taken upon entering maintenance mode

Exit maintenance mode.

Parameters:timeout (int) – Seconds to wait

Get information about the host.

Returns:Formatted host information
Return type:str
get_net_item(object_type, name)[source]

Retrieves a network object of the specified type and name from a host.

Parameters:object_type (str) – Type of object to get:

(portgroup | vswitch | proxyswitch | vnic | pnic) :param str name: Name of network object [default: first object found] :return: The network object :rtype: vim.Network or vim.VirtualSwitch or vim.VirtualEthernetCard or None .. todo:: determine what possible return types there are

get_net_obj(object_type, name, refresh=False)[source]

Retrieves a network object of the specified type and name from a host.

Parameters:object_type (str) – Type of object to get:

(portgroup | vswitch | proxyswitch | vnic | pnic) :param name: Name of network object :param bool refresh: Refresh the host’s network system information :return: The network object :rtype: vim.Network or vim.VirtualSwitch or vim.VirtualEthernetCard or None


determine what possible return types there are

get_net_objs(object_type, refresh=False)[source]

Retrieves all network objects of the specified type from the host.

Parameters:object_type (str) – Type of object to get:

(portgroup | vswitch | proxyswitch | vnic | pnic) :param bool refresh: Refresh the host’s network system information :return: list of the network objects :rtype: list(vimtype) or None


Reboots the host.

Parameters:force (bool) – Force a reboot even if the host

is not in maintenance mode


Shuts down the host.

Parameters:force (bool) – Force a reboot even if the host

is not in maintenance mode

Utility functions

exception adles.vsphere.vsphere_utils.VsphereException[source]

Gets a human-readable summary of a Datastore.

Parameters:ds_obj (vim.Datastore) – The datastore to get information on
Returns:The datastore’s information
Return type:str

Checks if object is a vim.Folder.

Parameters:obj – The object to check
Returns:If the object is a folder
Return type:bool

Checks if object is a vim.VirtualMachine.

Parameters:obj – The object to check
Returns:If the object is a VM
Return type:bool

Creates a vSphere object using either a JSON file or by prompting the user.

Parameters:filename (str) – Name of JSON file with connection info
Returns:vSphere object
Return type:Vsphere
adles.vsphere.vsphere_utils.resolve_path(server, thing, prompt='')[source]

This is a hacked together script utility to get folders or VMs.

  • server (Vsphere) – Vsphere instance
  • thing (str) – String name of thing to get (folder | vm)
  • prompt (str) – Message to display

(thing, thing name)

Return type:

tuple(vimtype, str)

adles.vsphere.vsphere_utils.wait_for_task(task, timeout=60.0, pause_timeout=True)[source]

Waits for a single vim.Task to finish and returns its result.

  • task (vim.Task) – The task to wait for
  • timeout (float) – Number of seconds to wait before terminating task
  • pause_timeout (bool) – Pause timeout counter while task

is queued on server :return: Task result information ( :rtype: str or None

adles.vsphere.folder_utils.cleanup(folder, vm_prefix='', folder_prefix='', recursive=False, destroy_folders=False, destroy_self=False)[source]

Cleans a folder by selectively destroying any VMs and folders it contains.

  • folder (vim.Folder) – Folder to cleanup
  • vm_prefix (str) – Only destroy VMs with names starting with the prefix
  • folder_prefix (str) – Only destroy or search in folders with names

starting with the prefix :param bool recursive: Recursively descend into any sub-folders :param bool destroy_folders: Destroy folders in addition to VMs :param bool destroy_self: Destroy the folder specified

adles.vsphere.folder_utils.create_folder(folder, folder_name)[source]

Creates a VM folder in the specified folder.

  • folder (vim.Folder) – Folder to create the folder in
  • folder_name (str) – Name of folder to create

The created folder

Return type:

vim.Folder or None

adles.vsphere.folder_utils.enumerate_folder(folder, recursive=True, power_status=False)[source]

Enumerates a folder structure and returns the result.

as a python object with the same structure :param folder: Folder to enumerate :type folder: vim.Folder :param bool recursive: Whether to recurse into any sub-folders :param bool power_status: Display the power state of the VMs in the folder :return: The nested python object with the enumerated folder structure :rtype: list(list, str)

adles.vsphere.folder_utils.find_in_folder(folder, name, recursive=False, vimtype=None)[source]

Finds and returns an specific object in a folder.

  • folder (vim.Folder) – Folder to search in
  • name (str) – Name of the object to find
  • recursive (bool) – Recurse into sub-folders
  • vimtype – Type of object to search for

The object found

Return type:

vimtype or None

adles.vsphere.folder_utils.format_structure(structure, indent=4, _depth=0)[source]

Converts a nested structure of folders into a formatted string.

  • structure (tuple(list(str), str)) – structure to format
  • indent (int) – Number of spaces to indent each level of nesting
  • _depth (int) – Current depth (USED INTERNALLY BY FUNCTION)

Formatted string of the folder structure

Return type:


adles.vsphere.folder_utils.get_in_folder(folder, name, recursive=False, vimtype=None)[source]

Retrieves an item from a datacenter folder.

  • folder (vim.Folder) – Folder to search in
  • name (str) – Name of object to find
  • recursive (bool) – Recurse into sub-folders
  • vimtype – Type of object to search for

The object found

Return type:

vimtype or None

adles.vsphere.folder_utils.move_into(folder, entity_list)[source]

Moves a list of managed entities into the named folder.

  • folder (vim.Folder) – Folder to move entities into
  • entity_list (list(vim.ManagedEntity)) – Entities to move into the folder
adles.vsphere.folder_utils.rename(folder, name)[source]

Renames a folder.

  • folder (vim.Folder) – Folder to rename
  • name (str) – New name for the folder
adles.vsphere.folder_utils.retrieve_items(folder, vm_prefix='', folder_prefix='', recursive=False)[source]

Retrieves VMs and folders from a folder structure.

Parameters:folder – Folder to begin search in

(Note: it is NOT returned in list of folders) :type folder: vim.Folder :param str vm_prefix: VM prefix to search for :param str folder_prefix: Folder prefix to search for :param bool recursive: Recursively descend into sub-folders


This will recurse regardless of folder prefix!

Returns:The VMs and folders found in the folder
Return type:tuple(list(vim.VirtualMachine), list(vim.Folder))
adles.vsphere.folder_utils.traverse_path(folder, path, lookup_root=None, generate=False)[source]

Traverses a folder path to find a object with a specific name.

  • folder (vim.Folder) – Folder to search in
  • path (str) – Path in POSIX format

(Templates/Windows/ to get the ‘Windows’ folder) :param lookup_root: If root of path is not found in folder, lookup using this Vsphere object :type lookup_root: Vsphere or None :param bool generate: Parts of the path that do not exist are created. :return: Object at the end of the path :rtype: vimtype or None

adles.vsphere.network_utils.create_portgroup(name, host, vswitch_name, vlan=0, promiscuous=False)[source]

Creates a portgroup on a ESXi host.

  • name – Name of portgroup to create
  • host – vim.HostSystem on which to create the port group
  • vswitch_name – Name of vSwitch on which to create the port group
  • vlan – VLAN ID of the port group
  • promiscuous – Put portgroup in promiscuous mode